🎪Contact us

Get in Touch: Collaborate with Kuro

At Kuro, we're always on the lookout for talented individuals and exciting partnerships that can help drive our project forward. If you're interested in working with us or exploring partnership opportunities, we'd love to hear from you! Reach out, and let's embark on an amazing journey together.

Working with Kuro: Are you passionate about the Kuro ecosystem and eager to contribute your skills and expertise? We'd be thrilled to have you on board! To express your interest in working with us, simply send an email to work@kurotoken.com.

Partnership Opportunities: Do you have an innovative project, platform, or service that aligns with Kuro's mission and values? We're eager to explore partnership possibilities that can benefit both parties and enhance the Kuro ecosystem. To discuss potential collaborations, email us at partnership@kurotoken.com.

At Kuro, we understand the importance of maintaining an open line of communication with our community members. That's why we encourage you to join our Telegram group, where you can stay updated, ask questions, and interact with the team and fellow Kuro enthusiasts.

Admins will NEVER send you a direct message. If anybody approaches you directly on Telegram, claiming to represent customer support or the Kuro team, please block them and report them as spam.

NEVER share your private key or recovery phrases. Keep them secret to protect your assets and account security.

Don't hesitate to get in touch – let's work together and make a lasting impact on the world of gaming, NFTs, and DeFi!

Last updated